Mr. Rafetto's PE Website

                Email:                                                        Room 309

Physical Education Mission

The physical education department dedicates itself to offering appropriate educational experiences, activities, and programs. These experiences are designed to enhance physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth in students. Activities and programs are designed to help students develop the following: self-esteem, self-discipline, honesty, cultural diversity, responsibility for one’s actions, and skills for lifetime fitness and health. We strive for continual engagement and praise for students who adhere to the established standards of behavior in class and in the school environment.

Class rules and Student Responsibilities

Students will:

  1. Be on time for class.
  2. Be prepared for class with their PE uniform and shoes.
  3. Be cooperative during class.
  4. Show respect for other students, teachers, and staff.
  5. Show respect for the locker rooms, weight room, gymnasium, and equipment.
  6. Not bring food, drinks, candy, or GUM into the gym or weight room.
  7. Not use cell phones or iPods.

Uniform Requirements

All students are required to wear their PE uniform and sneakers every day IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN CLASS AND RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR THE DAY. The required PE uniform is any t-shirt (short sleeve or long sleeve) that represents Pencader Charter High School. Shirts with the Pencader logo can be purchased at Rush Uniforms, the school store, or purchased to support any of the clubs or sports teams at Pencader Charter (as long as a Pencader logo is present). Shorts must be red, black, gray, or white and worn at modest length. Athletic shoes MUST be worn. Slip-ons, UGGS, and sandals are not permitted. Sweat shirts/pants are allowed, but must be red, black, gray, or white and must properly fit the students. Students are not permitted to wear yoga pants, short-shorts, spandex, or team uniforms. The PE uniform is required to be purchased by September 17th 2012.

Students will lose points if the appropriate uniform is not worn. After 3 days of not dressing down within a marking period parents/guardians will be contacted. If a student does not dress down a 5th time in the same marking period he/she will receive a detention. Another detention will be issued for every “no dress” until the end of the marking period. At the end of every marking period the slate is wiped clean and all “no dresses” are set to zero.

Grading Policy:

A grade earned in PE will be the result of objective and subjective methods evaluating the students’ performance. Students will receive a daily grade, out of 10 points; based on their level of participation in class (this also includes cooperation and sportsmanship).Quizzes, tests, and projects will be used to assess knowledge of content material, rules, and strategies. For successful completion of this course, students are required to participate in a state wide fitness testing program as well as complete an essential course assignment. This assignment will have students analyze their fitness and health levels and design a plan to improve these levels. There is a written final given at the end of the semester that will represent 20% of the overall grade.